Elder San Diego's Address

Explanation on Sending Packages and Letters

If you would like to send a letter:
Elder Eric San Diego
Apartado Postal 118-184
Gustavo A. Madero
Mexico, D.F. C.P 07051

If you want to send a package:

You write this exactly, including Elder Jose Luis Escobar Maya (They don't like more than one name coming to the same PO Box when dealing with packages).

Elder Jose Luis Escobar Maya
Apartado Postal 118-184
Gustavo A. Madero
Mexico, D.F. C.P 07051

To make sure Elder San Diego gets the package just make sure his last name is in the return address (or next to the return address).

April 17, 2012

My Redeemer, Savior and King, Jesus Christ

Hey guys!

Yet another great week here in Mexico. We worked real hard this week and it paid off with us setting some more baptismal dates with people and finding even more and preparing them to take that first step in following Jesus Christ. Highlight of the week was the baptism of Lalo which took place on Thursday in the evening. It was a neat experience and we had a good time. After his baptism, Elder Mendoza and I went to buy pizza and then ate it with them since it was also Lalo´s birthday. So, all in all good stuff. Other than that, we´ve been working hard and we still have lots of success to see.

Pues, eso es principalmente lo que pasó esta semana. Sé sin duda que esta es la iglesia verdadera de Jesucristo. Él es quien fundó y guía esta iglesia. Sé que José Smith fue un profeta y que a través de él, Jesucristo restauró las hermosas verdades de su evangelio de nuevo a la tierra. Sé que estamos guiados hoy en día por un profeta de Dios llamado Thomas S. Monson. Sé que El Libro de Mormón: Otro Testamento de Jesucristo realmente es escritura sagrada. Habla de nuestro Salvador y sus principios puros los cuales nos llevan a Él. Amo a mi Padre Celestial y le agradezco por su amor para mi y por sacrificar a su propio hijo, Jesucristo, para que yo pueda arrepentirme de mis pecados y errores y un día regresar a vivir con Él. Amo a mi Redentor, Salvador, y Rey, Jesucristo. Él es quien me salva. Amo a los principios correctos que aprendemos en esta iglesia. Al esforzarnos a obedecer todo lo que nos pide Dios, vamos a ser bendecidos en todas las cosas, tanto temporalmente como espiritualmente y en un día, recibiremos la vida eterna, lo cual es el mayor de todos los dones de Dios. Testifico que todo esto es verdadero y lo hago en el nombre sagrado de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, amén.

Well, that´s pretty much all that happened this week. I know without a doubt that this is the true church of Jesus Christ. He is the one who founded and guides this church. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that through him, Jesus Christ restored the beautiful truths of His gospel to the Earth again. I know that in this day we are guided by a prophet of God named Thomas S. Monson. I know that The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ really is sacred scripture. It speaks of our Savior and His pure principles which bring us to Him. I love my Heavenly Father and I thank Him for His love for me and for sacrificing His own son, Jesus Christ, so that I can repent of my sins and errors and one day return to live with Him. I love my Redeemer, Savior, and King, Jesus Christ. He is the one who saves me. I love the correct principles that we learn in this church. As we strive to obey everything that God asks of us, we will be blessed in all things, both temporally and spiritually and one day we will receive eternal life, which is the greatest of all the gifts of God. I testify that all of this is true and I do it in the sacred name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

I hope you all have a rockin´ week and that you always strive to do your best. I love you all!

¡Ten fe y se obediente!

Todo mi amor,
Elder San Diego

Lalo´s Baptism!

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