If you would like to send a letter:Elder Eric San Diego
Apartado Postal 118-184
Gustavo A. Madero
Mexico, D.F. C.P 07051
If you want to send a package:
You write this exactly, including Elder Jose Luis Escobar Maya (They don't like more than one name coming to the same PO Box when dealing with packages).
Elder Jose Luis Escobar Maya
Apartado Postal 118-184
Gustavo A. Madero
Mexico, D.F. C.P 07051
To make sure Elder San Diego gets the package just make sure his last name is in the return address (or next to the return address).
Elder San Diego's Address
Explanation on Sending Packages and Letters
May 28, 2012
"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Which Strengtheneth Me!"
Good, but pretty uneventful week. We worked mainly with the investigators
we already have and they are progressing nicely. It`s neat to see the change in
people as they come to see the importance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their
lives. I know for myself the grand and beautiful importance of the truth of the
gospel in my life. I don`t think word could ever adequately describe the
emotions I have, knowing that my Heavenly Father really does care about me and
that through the love and mercy of my Savior, Jesus Christ, I can overcome
whatever trial, weakness, imperfection, shortcoming, and sin I may have in my
life. As the Apostle Paul once wrote, "I can do all things through Christ which
strengtheneth me." Through His teachings, we can reflect upon and change our
lives. The fulness of the gospel has been restored to the earth through Christ`s
modern-day prophets. We are no longer a lost people, waiting, hoping, and
looking for the truth. How truly wonderful it is to know that we are not alone;
to know that God, the greatest of all, knows and loves each and every one of us.
How great it is to declare, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For
it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." This past
Saturday, I had the privilege to baptize one of our investigators, Marcela. It
was a great baptismal service and the Spirit was grand and present. I always
feel so grateful for the calling I have from God to declare His word and guide
His children back to Him by means of the gospel.
Sé que esta iglesia es la verdadera. Somos guiados hoy en día por los
profetas y apostoles de Dios. Por medio de ellos, Dios revela su santa voluntad
para nosotros. Por medio del evangelio, podemos llegar a ser los verdaderos
hijos de Dios. No tengo duda que estoy enseñando y aprendiendo la verdad.
Declaro por la autoridad que tengo y en el nombre santo de Jesucristo que todas
estas cosas son verdaderas y sé que Él nunca me fallará. Sé que si buscamos de
Dios las respuestas verdaderas y si estamos dispuestos a seguirle, entonces Él
nos guiará a su verdad. En el nombre de Jesucristo. Amén.
I know that this church is the true church. We are guided today by the
prophets and apostles of God. Through them, God reveals His holy will for us.
Through the gospel, we can become the true sons and daughters of God. I have no
doubt that I am teaching and learning the truth. I declare by the authority that
I have and in the holy name of Jesus Christ that all these things are true and I
know that He will never let me down. I know that if we look for the true answers
from God and if we are willing to follow Him, then He will guide us to His
truth. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a great week!
¡Ten fe y se obediente!
Todo mi amor,
Elder San Diego
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Marcela's Baptism |
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Marcela & Family |
May 21, 2012
"No Coffee For You!!"
Hey folks!
Great week! On Tuesday and Wednesday, one of the three assistants to the
president, Elder Lamb, came and worked with us. We worked well and hard and
found lots of new people to talk with. On Wednesday we met with this one family
and got to know them. They are super cool. I am always surprised when we go over
because every time we go, there are more people there. They say that in all,
their close extended family has like 200 members or something like that. Crazy.
We are preparing to talk about baptism with them and there are already two
members of the family who want to be baptized and even serve missions too! Super
cool stuff. So we are working hard with them and praying hard for them too. On
Thursday, we had a mission conference. Way cool and I heard some great advice
and things that I needed to hear. The rest of the week, we worked really super
hard and we are preparing Marcela´s baptism for this Saturday! Yay! She´s super.
We are doing fabulous here and are looking forward to this upcoming week! Super
great spirit here! Have a great week! Love you all!
¡Ten fe y se obediente!
Todo mi amor,
Elder San Diego
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Us at a Mother`s Day celebration in the church. |
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To help someone keep the Word of Wisdom, we took away her coffee from her house. |
May 14, 2012
Ofrece Skype Con Mi Familia
Hey hey!
Good week! We worked hard trying to find more people to teach this week and
it worked out. We went with this one guy named Angel (he`s huge, like 6'4") who
had been meeting with the missionaries a little more than a year ago. We talked
a little bit with him and invited him to be baptized and he said he would love
to be baptized! He knows the church is true and that when we talk to him, we
speak the truth. So, we are trying to put together his baptism for this weekend
so we will see how it all works out. We also have been talking with a daughter
of one of the members. Her name is Marcela. She`s really cool and loves the
church and everything about it. She too, wants to be baptized, so we are going
to talk about that this week and get everything all set up for her. The weather
this week has been like a taste of home during the monsoon season. Hot and dry
during the day, and then in the evening, the rain comes and cools everything
off. Good stuff, but I am definitely not used to the heat anymore. On Friday, we
enjoyed the evening with the members who all put together a little celebration
and talent show to celebrate Mother`s Day. Great stuff and lots of good dancing
by the members. Then, on Sunday night I got to call home and wish my mom a Happy
Mother`s Day. It was cool to see all my family there on skype with me and to
talk with them for a bit. Well, life here is good and we are just doing better!
I wish the best for you all! Love you and have a great week!
¡Ten fe y se obediente!
Todo mi amor,
Elder San Diego
May 7, 2012
Reno, Nevada...Here We Come!
We had a good week working this week and have put a few more baptismal
dates with investigators! They are Carlos and Juan Pablo and we have a date set
for this June before the next change and we are working real hard with them to
help them quit the problems they have with the Word of Wisdom, but they are
excited and willing! Other than that, we´ve still been working hard and doing
work! In other news, today we had a mission soccer tournament against the other
zones and guess who won? Yup! We did! We crushed everybody else while also
looking fly in our uniforms. Great stuff! Well, that´s all for this week!
Congrats to my big sister, Heather, on her mission call to the Nevada Reno
Mission! Love ya sis! Have a wonderful and happy week! I love you all!
¡Ten fe y se obediente!
Todo mi amor,
Elder San Diego
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